
This past Tuesday is one now marked #GivingTuesday – trailing behind US Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday… Strategically placed after families have overindulged in food or opened their wallets to receive the latest and best deals for themselves. Following the consumerization and commercialism that now is American Thanksgiving.

Giving Tuesday, started by the United Nations Foundation in 2012, is now a global movement for giving and referred to as the ‘opening of giving season’. It has harnessed the potential that is social media through #GivingTuesday reaching our phones, and maybe into our thoughts then maybe our actions.

As I scrolled through my social feed I saw the NHL’s thread that showcased how some of the players across the League are doing their part, ie: Deryk Engelland establishing a foundation to honour community heroes in Las Vegas or Nick and Marcus Foligno making a difference in the Sudbury community through the Janis Foligno Foundation. As the list went on, my smile grew.

Instantly, I was reminded of how we can all do our part – big or small. Some people have the resources to start foundations and they do. Some are able to donate money or time and they do. Our impact is just that, regardless of the size.

I hope Giving Tuesday acts as a gentle reminder to do your part in making the world a bit of a better place. To open your wallet in the times when you can. To buy someone a coffee, send a warm smile someone’s way, remember to thank the bus driver on your way out, to listen. To volunteer your time and to be conscious of the organizations you donate your time/money to. Do they share your values?

We can make our world a bit of a better place by standing up for the things we believe in. For using our voice to make a difference; for resounding J.K. Rowling’s quote, “It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up for your friends.”

With the holiday season just around the corner share smiles and conversations about how wonderful this time of year is and also remember that it is the most challenging time for others. To make it easier, and to make our world a little better, we give.

Do it today, do it during the holiday season, and do it on the other 364 days too.

“Do we settle for the world for what it is, or do we work for the world as it should be.” – Barack Obama



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