Sami Sherry

Oh, hey, didn't see you there. I'm Sami, a recent graduate trying to make it in the real world. I grew up wanting to be a famous rockstar/Olympic gold medallist, but that career hasn't quite panned out. I decided to work in the sports industry in the meantime. Thanks for reading!

Nice Girls Finish First

Within these walls where Olympic hearts come to gather, you are welcome, accepted, and respected. Here, no matter who you are or where you come from, you are at home, regardless of your sex, sexual orientation, race, marital or family status, gender identity or expression, sex characteristics, age, colour, disability, political or religious belief or …

Organizational Behaviour: What is it good for?

If you graduated from a business program, undoubtedly, you were required to take an Organizational Behaviour (OB) course. If you were anything like me, you found this course incredibly dry. While the study of leadership, culture, decision-making, motivation, and other related topics may seem like excellent knowledge for an aspiring businessperson to acquire; I could …

Antisocial Media?

Social media is remarkable. Global connectivity is just a click away. You can stay up to date on your friends’ lives, connect with business professionals, search restaurant reviews, and find new romance all conveniently at your fingertips. From a marketing standpoint, there is unlimited opportunity. Social media offers a way to share information to a …