Pursue Your Passion

Creating a life that you don’t need a vacation from. That’s the quote I recently read that emulated the importance of pursuing your passion. Doing the things that you love every day so you don’t spend your week counting down the days until the weekend, or to your next vacation time, only to start again once it’s over. How often do you ask someone how they are while they are working and they respond with, “Well, I’m here,” or commenting on the time before their shift is over? How often do people go through the motions of their day, living their Plan B, C, or D because Plan A was too hard?

So how do you create the life you don’t need a vacation from? Live with intention and pursue your passion.

People who fill their time doing things that they are passionate about are captivating individuals. They vibrate in an infectious way. It doesn’t have to be about your job. Maybe it’s music, or sports, or fitness. Maybe it’s photography, or getting involved with a cause. Whatever it is, immerse yourself in it and share it with others – we need more of that in the world.

When we make excuses for not doing the things we love, we are overcomplicating our lives. We think to travel we need to wait until we can take three months off to tour Asia. We think we need to wait for the ‘right time’ to do the things we love. We get lost on our phones, on social media, and on clicking Next Episode on Netflix, and suddenly, have no time for the things that we are truly passionate about – we are busy and we don’t have choices.

But you do have time and you do have choices.

If you aren’t doing something you are passionate about right now, I challenge you to start. If it’s your job that you can’t stand because you are treated poorly or just not into it – look for jobs now and start volunteering in the places that do make you tick. Also remember, pursuing your passion doesn’t always have to be about chasing your dream job, or dream city, or dream house, because maybe you haven’t found that thing you are passionate about yet. Not everyone knows what they want to do with their lives at 22 – some people at 40 still have no idea, and those can be some of the most interesting people to interact with. By pursuing your passion, you’re waking up in the morning with intentions of living your life doing what you love. Whatever it is for you, just do it, and do it often.



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